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Anonymity in a secure network

Anonymity protects: Trade secrets; Against interference; Safety, Rights as they might exist within a country; Access; National Sovereignty.


Currency in modest quantities is easy to transport and fully anonymous. When dealing with large or sensitive transactions the ability to conduct business in an anonymous fashion is critical to protecting the plans and activities of an organization from prying eyes. For the individual, there are the same concerns plus personal safety and privacy to protect. Whether a nation-state, large company or individual the assumption information leaks only end up in the hands of benign actors is clearly not true anymore.


An open transaction network from State-level actors that uses an asset based token to transfer ownership. This system would use the mechanisms Sovereign authorities use to govern cash or other transactions thus protecting against terrorism while supporting anonymity across the transaction network.


The purpose is to allow all permissible transactions across the system while supporting full local compliance with policy and laws within any relevant jurisdictions. The use of cryptographically protected objects with resilient multi-modal transportation options provides transaction assurance, hides connections where triangulation must be avoided and allows reasonable confidential actions by the participants. The key is in providing strong protection of the transaction while supporting the same KYC and transport protections currently implemented in anti-money laundering agreements between jurisdictions. The transport across the network itself would be hidden in cryptographically obscured channels. The only relevant jurisdictions would be the starting point and ending point of any particular transaction. The weakness of the Block-chain models would be replaced with point-to-point truncation of financial or transaction information. In this way, the transaction itself is contained the same way a cash transaction between people is contained, there is no leakage of location, identity, amount, date, etc. except as between the transaction participants. Policy and law would only apply to where a transaction enters or leaves the network. In today’s world of ubiquitous data mining, almost all information is susceptible to capture. Bad actors can access banking information, personal location, nature of payments, etc. exposing participants to loss of intellectual property, interference, etc. Our network will protect governments, corporations and people from unauthorized eavesdropping. The principal structure of international commerce is almost always surrounded by the need for anonymity from competitors and thieves; this returns this basic principle to those conducting themselves within and between nations without giving up on the need to combat terrorism, restoring some balance to protecting freedom while impeding criminal behavior.

Anonymity protects:

· Trade secrets

· Against interference

· Safety

· Rights as they might exist within a country

· Access

· National Sovereignty

Current Cryptocurrency models fail in this regard, completely.

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