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We need a frictionless transaction network.

Our vision is an exchange network that can handle the transfer of payments, securitized assets, contracts, exchanges and other value, instantaneously, around the world.


Increased emphasis on financial management is indicative of severe underlying difficulties in the financial services industry. The sector revolves around optimizing the deployment of assets and services worldwide around current regulatory and structural inefficiencies in payments, receipts, lending, insurance and other sub-sectors. But all these efforts work on the margin and are not truly productive. The Financial Services sector is estimated to grow to $22.5 trillion out of a worldwide GDP of $93 trillion, encompassing nearly 25% of the international GDP. Spending 25% of GDP on analysis and optimization creates a huge drag on the economy by misallocating capital away from more efficient uses. In addition, a massive opportunity exists for increased efficiency and radical disintermediation of existing financial sector providers. Solutions providers have not looked at how to transform the financial sector, eliminating instead of patching these existing wasteful systems.

There are many sources of inefficiency:

1. Slow transaction speeds increase float,

2. Security issues increase losses due to fraud and assurance problems,

3. Foreign Exchange rates are exorbitant,

4. Lack of distributed design increases system overhead,

5. Trust problems slow settlement,

6. Depending on the type of transaction many other services are required: insurance, bonding, testing, logistics, etc.

7. Many services are bundled leading to less efficiency.

Solution: The Frictionless Transaction Network

Our vision is an exchange network that can handle the transfer of payments, securitized assets, contracts, exchanges and other value, instantaneously, around the world. Designed with reliability, safety, surety and security from the ground up. Such a system would eliminate most of the structural limitations that exist today in cryptocurrency, foreign exchange, and wire transfers. As a common and extensible transaction framework, it will make wider options available to those using it, even financial services that may not have been conceived yet. The system is built upon our existing IP portfolio of patent claims, to which we have exclusive rights.


Designed with a distributed and guaranteed model, performance in the network will grow with the number of systems implementing the technology. Eliminating the weakness of chained verification embedded in current cryptocurrency blockchain models, the system will perform at several orders of magnitude greater efficiency. Based on a surety model with a warranty and guarantees built in, the system will accommodate any kind of digital or physical presentation. With the use of quantum immune cryptography, the system will be viable for decades without modification. Blinding transaction speeds will allow near real-time processing across the globe. And, compared to cryptocurrency, it will save millions of tons of carbon emissions per year. Settlement will be instantaneous, float calculations on payments will be exact allowing more flexible fees arrangements, and the open object design will support a wide variety of financial instruments, certifications and contracts among other devices. Unbundling of services will allow more effective and competitive services to emerge lowering total costs dramatically. Fraud and assurance issues will be eliminated along with such losses due to the effective end-to-end security model developed by the founders pulling on their deep cyber security background. It all arises from a composable value model, military-grade cyber security, and a fully distributed trust model. We anticipate a standardized method of value exchange and settlement to be available worldwide in 2023.

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